Friday, June 10, 2011

An Unwelcome Dose of Reality for Brigette DePape

Canadians becoming more conservative

As Canada's far-left gathers to annoint Brigette DePape their patron saint in a protest at the Conservative Party convention in Ottawa, news emerges that DePape would likely consider to be an unwelcome invasion from reality.

A poll conducted by Harris-Decima and Manning Institute offers some insight into the Tories' May 2 majority win: Canadians are becoming more conservative.

This is news to DePape. Appearing in an interview on CBC, DePape declared that "Stephen Harper says conservative values are Canadian values. They are not."

Yet when actually asked by someone -- and it's pretty clear that DePape never bothered to ask anyone outside of a specific ideologically-insulated circle -- Canadians indicated that they were far more conservative than DePape would give us credit for.

For example, only 15% of interviewed Canadians indicated they turned to government as their preferred agent of problem-solving. 38% indicated they count on themselves first, and 18% indicated they turn to their families first. However, only 20% indicated they turn to government last.

54% of Canadians indicated they count on themselves to solve their own personal economic problems. 31% indicated they turn to their families first. Only 3% indicated that they look to the government first.

Conversely, Canadians look to government to solve problems such as crime.

Meanwhile, Canadians are becoming decreasingly confident in the government's problem-solving abilities.

In other words, this poll indicates nearly the precise opposite of what DePape droningly insisted in her interviews on CTV and CBC. Clearly, she isn't nearly as in touch with Canadian values as she would like to pretend.

Conservative values are Canadian values, whether Brigette DePape likes it or not.

Preston Manning is predicting that these values are quickly becoming less identified with the Conservative Party, and more identified with Canadians ourselves.

"As these conservative values become mainstream values, people will less and less identify them with Conservatives. People will just say these are Canadian values," Manning declared.

Adam Daifallah, however, has it one step better. Daifallah has dubbed May 2011 as "the conservative spring" in Canada. He notes that the Conservative majority was built largely off of small-profile moves like abolishing the Court Challenges program, a program many Canadians were actually unaware of altogether.

Canada's already had a spring uprising of sorts, as Canadians are becoming increasingly confident in asserting their own values, as opposed to having them dictated by demagogues such as Brigette DePape.

It's an unwelcome dose of reality for DePape and her fawning supporters. Their refusal to acknowledge it will only continue to drive them further away from the heart of Canadian political culture, into a barren ideological wasteland of their own creation.

After all, these are people without the imagination to so much as ask Canadians what their values are. They prefer to dictate them.

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