Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Only Poll That Matters

Americans elect the "Leader of the Free World" today

Today, as millions of Americans head off to the polls to elect the President of the United States of America, it seems that it's all but guaranteed that history will be made -- Barack Obama will be elected the first African American President.

Of course, Obama has already made history by being the first African American to run for President as the nominee of one of the two major parties.

But even as the polls continue to favour Obama with a lead of anywhere from three to seven points -- although enough undecided voters remain to turn the race for McCain -- this election is not over yet.

The only poll that matters is the election.

If Obama does indeed emerge victorious this evening, there are few rational reasons for tears to be shed. Obama is every bit as excellent a candidate as John McCain, and McCain every bit as excellent as Obama. No matter what happens, the United States will elect an outstanding Commander in Chief.

America has reached its decision. The only thing left is for them to deliver it at the polls.

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