Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Turner Turned-Over?

Garth Turner quits Liberal party

the dark clouds swirling around Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff have gotten darker still, as Garth Turner has decided not to run for the party.

Tired of waiting for Ignatieff to finally allow a nomination meeting in the riding of Dufferin-Calderon (his new riding of choice since being defeated by Lisa Raitt in Halton), Turner has decided to quit as a candidate for that riding's nomination.

"In Dufferin-Caledon, I have been the only nominee for MP candidate since August," he wrote in a press release. "I'm interpreting the leader's failure to allow a nomination meeting as a signal my views are unwelcome."

Turner has voiced particular disappointment with Ignatieff's insistence that he wouldn't raise taxes as Prime Minister.

"It's hard to see what the coming election will be about if we're not prepared to discuss the options in the wake of the Harper fiscal disaster," Turner complained. "Economic growth alone won't wipe out an historic debt load or the need for spending cuts and tax hikes."

Moving forward, one may wonder what lies ahead for Turner: whether he plans to quit politics altogether, or simply join another party.

Many Canadians may remember the speculation that Turner would join the Green party shortly after his expulsion from the Conservative caucus. If Turner plans to continue his political career, he may not have many other choices.

Turner has burned both of the bridges that could ever lead him back to government -- at least in this lifetime. And while joining the Green party would only serve to confirm him as a consumate politician, with no real principles to ground him, there's no question that Elizabeth May and the Greens would love to have him.

At least it's a more appealling idea -- if no more realistic -- than Turner attempting to join the NDP.

Other bloggers writing about this topic:

Chucker Canuck - "Iggy Machine Grinds I-dotting, T-crossing Garth Turner"

Democracy Under Fire - "Digital Democracy in Canada Takes a Hit"

Russ Campbell - "No Garth Turner to Kick Around"

Mark Francis - "Often What They Don't Want is What We Need"

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